For Christmas, we're supporting Huggard, a homelessness centre in Cardiff

The Huggard

Forgoing corporate Christmas cards or Secret Santa, this year we're donating to Huggard. They provide support for those sleeping rough in Cardiff to find food, a warm place to stay, and the chance to rebuild their lives.

We worked with Ellen Bryant, Volunteer Inclusion Officer at the Huggard Centre, to find out what was most desperately needed at this time of year.

That’s why we bought & delivered:

  • 50 pairs of socks

  • 50 toothbrushes

  • 50 tubes of toothpaste

  • 50 deodorants (split between male and female)

  • 50 Cadbury selection boxes

Altogether, the items will go towards Christmas day gifts for the centre’s service users, plus critical items needed on a daily basis.

We’re really pleased we could support an organisation doing such critical work to help Cardiff’s homeless - if you're looking for a local cause to support at Christmas (or for any time going forward), Huggard is a great place to choose.

You can donate money easily here or find other ways to help here.


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