Cardiff in lockdown photo series - Sunday 29 March 2020

Cardiff in lockdown during march 2020

So, when Alex had to head to work for essential items - he couldn’t resist taking his camera to capture a slice of the emptiness of Cardiff during lockdown.

It’s Sunday 29th March 2020 and we have been officially in lockdown for seven days, with permitted outings for essential groceries, exercise and work if you cannot work from home. Today, I rolled the three in to one with a cycle trip through Cardiff city centre and headed to my studio in Cardiff Bay to check mail and get essential work-from-home items.

Normally, I’d go out of my way to get urban shots that didn’t have people in. Being a lover of architecture and striking buildings, you would have thought that this was an ideal opportunity, but I wont lie, the occasion certainly comes with much darker undertones.

Apart from the occasional lonesome deliveroo rider, a few street cleaners, a couple of joggers and homeless people - there is pretty much nothing in the way of ‘life’ in the city centre. Even on a Sunday at this time, the streets would be lined with Sunday shoppers and drinkers.

The closest I can approximate the feeling of taking these shots is similar to the way I’ve felt when entering an abandoned building in the past - unsure what was round the corner, heart-pumping, breath almost empty.

And for once, I longed for people to be in the shots.

Originally published by Alex at his photo website.


Camera-wielding creative director at burningred. Helping brands communicate better through digital and content.

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