Your website needs looking after - website maintenance isn’t as snazzy as the latest plugin, but one of the most important things you can do!

A website that is not kept up-to-date can look outdated and unprofessional, which can hurt your company's image and impact your bottom line. However, a website that isn’t maintained from the ‘back end’, can have an even worse effect by taking your business offline, compromising your search engine rankings and brand-damaging malware and other hacks that can remain unnoticed unless you take regular action.

By investing in regular website maintenance, you can ensure that your site looks great and functions properly at all times. Additionally, periodic updates will help keep your site remain safe from hackers and malware. We take you through our methodology, which includes some best practices to make sure that things stay secure on the internet!


Wordpress - taking care of your WP website

Keeping your site up to date is essential for smooth running and Wordpress is great for this (as well as for Search Engine Optimisation) and apparently 80% of the web is run on Wordpress!

However, conflicts between plugins and related version compatibility issues can happen frequently and need to be handled carefully to prevent any aspects of the website's functionality from being harmed.

Our hosting package includes many different technical solutions so we're confident about providing whatever service you need no matter what type it may be from maintenance or web development projects; even if there are occasional bugs that need fixing (although this shouldn't happen too often)! In addition, keeping ourselves updated also ensures our testers have ample opportunity to update their skill sets through constant learning opportunities also.

Your website is a vital part of your business. You must have some sort of update/maintenance support set up on the hosting server to make sure it keeps working properly. With potential security vulnerabilities associated with unsecured sites and due to our concern for customer's data integrity we cannot host any websites without having an agreement set up through us first which will allow them regular access as well as provide assistance should anything go wrong!

Security Monitoring

keep your website secure with regular security monitoring

The web is constantly under attack. It seems that no matter how hard we work to keep hackers out, they always find their way in through one vulnerability or another - it's a constant battle for website security!

The thing about these brute force attacks though? They're not just something you'll see on your blog PCs; this kind of hacker tries everything from XSS injections (which can compromise user credentials) all the way up to malware programming which could bring harmful programs onto any device connected remotely via network traffic... even cars! We take the security of your site very seriously. Our comprehensive protection for websites will ensure that you are safe from malicious activity, and we also have measures in place to protect other clients who host their own webpages with us.

With Wordfence, we have the world’s leading WordPress security provider on our side. Their endpoints allow us to not only monitor and alert but also block suspicious traffic/hack attempts automatically with their firewall integration - all updated against lists from IP Blacklists also. Additionally, Wordfence offers several different subscription plans to best suit your needs. The premium plan, which costs $99 annually and includes 24/7 support for both technical issues as well as threat intelligence updates is highly recommended if you want peace of mind about the security of your site.

Vulnerability Testing

We can also provide any additional UK gov requirements based on website security audits, vulnerability tests, and more complex digital security consultation requirements upon request, should they be required!

Regular WP updates

We regularly update WordPress software and plugins to ensure that your website is secure at all times. In order to let you know what's wrong before it becomes malicious intent, we also keep an eye on real-time firewall alerts and analyse traffic patterns for possible vulnerabilities in our codebase, as well as any third-party APIs or systems that may be affected.

We perform monthly updates to automatically block malicious IP addresses or ranges as necessary in order to keep the website secure. We also regularly scan your website for malware and viruses to identify potential threats before they can cause harm, and we attend security webinars to learn more advanced ways to protect your information online!

What you Can Expect From us

We have a service level agreement that ensures the satisfaction of all clients. We will provide deadlines suitable for your project manager so they can meet their goals in an efficient manner without sacrificing quality or deadline!

Weekend Support

If you need help with an urgent or critical issue, we'll be happy to provide weekend support. We have a phone number and email address for these types of problems so please let us know!

Final thoughts

Your website is your business. Working hard 24/7, 365 days a year.

It's also a lot of work to keep running and healthy, not only with the ongoing costs but also so you can be there when customers need help most! That’s why we offer secure dedicated hosting that will never go down or stop working for any reason at all because our 24/7 monitoring team takes care of it effortlessly without fail (and they're really nice too). All this plus WordPress-enabled servers, plugin updates, and scanning monthly malware.

In conclusion, regular website maintenance is essential to keeping hackers at bay and ensuring that your site runs smoothly. Regular maintenance can ultimately save you time, money, and headaches even though it may seem like a hassle or an unnecessary expense now. If you don't know where to begin, contact our team; we provide thorough website maintenance services and will handle everything for you. Let us assist you in maintaining a safe, secure, and fully functional website so you can concentrate on what really matters: managing your business.


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