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How to prepare for your business photoshoot
Resources Meg Hodson Resources Meg Hodson

How to prepare for your business photoshoot

This is the perfect guide to prepare you and your team for a business photoshoot - whether you’re having a new website developed or you’re looking to update or replace your library of imagery.

Preparing properly for the photoshoot will mean you and your team will get the most out of it and everyone will feel more confident - especially business leaders.

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How Google’s ‘helpful content update’ is going to (possibly) affect your search engine results

How Google’s ‘helpful content update’ is going to (possibly) affect your search engine results

Hey, did you hear about Google's latest update, the "Helpful Content" one? Personally, I'm all for it. It looks like the big G is finally placing importance on genuine, people-focused content, rather than that tired old clickbait and AI-generated drivel that's been cluttering up the web. But what exactly does this update mean for search rankings? Let's take a closer look at what Google has said and how it's going to affect things.

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Your website needs looking after - website maintenance isn’t as snazzy as the latest plugin, but one of the most important things you can do!
Websites, Resources Guest User Websites, Resources Guest User

Your website needs looking after - website maintenance isn’t as snazzy as the latest plugin, but one of the most important things you can do!

By investing in regular website maintenance, you can ensure that your site looks great and functions properly at all times. Additionally, periodic updates will help keep your site remain safe from hackers and malware. We take you through our methodology, which includes some best practices to make sure that things stay secure on the internet!

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