New brand, website & collateral for a brand new healthcare tool designed for nurses


TRACT is an online tool developed by Cardiff University’s Professor Davina Allen, a specialist in nursing and healthcare work organisation. Designed to help nurses assess, measure and plan the organisational aspects of patient care, the TRACT tool needed a commercial, app-style website to showcase its features, explain why it’s needed, and host a range of document resources.


Following on from our work together on The Invisible Work of Nurses and Translational Mobilisation Theory, Davina commissioned us to develop a new brand identity and produce the website and resources, using her extensive work and research.

The primary objective was to develop a platform and associated resources to signpost towards the tool itself (hosted elsewhere), and strike a balance between feeling commercial and academic.

Related case studies

Core services

Website design (UX & UI)
Website development
Branding development
Collateral development



New website

New app-style website signposting to the TRACT tool and its comprehensive resources.

New digital collateral

User guides, implementation guides and a range of additional downloadable PDFs for the tool.

From research to ‘real’

Turning years of academic research and subsequent findings into a tangible, usable platform.