Back to the future: 5 types of video your business should be using in 2021

5 types of video your business should be using in 2021. Design: Alex Mills

Design: Alex Mills

For businesses who know they need to invest in making video content (that’s all businesses, by the way!), here’s our rundown of the 5 best types of video to make in 2021.

In 2020, an astounding 92% of marketing professionals* said that video is an important element in their marketing strategy. This percentage has been gradually increasing over the past five years and will probably continue to do so.

So what is it that makes video so important? Well, according to 88% of marketers**, video marketing provides them with amazing ROI - and when you consider that only 33% said the same in 2015, it shows that consumer sentiment toward videos is much stronger now.

Plus, from our own experience (as we always stealthily get client feedback on their own user-behaviour) - an overwhelming amount would rather watch a 2 minute video on a website than read a page full of text. Just saying…

It makes sense that brands focus on video because their consumers are constantly looking for new content, especially during 'the year of staying inside’. It’s estimated that in 2021, people will spend 100 minutes a day watching online videos***, an increase of 19% compared to 2019. (Although we already beat that record on Netflix, just sayin’).

For consumers - be it the general public or your specific audiences - video content offers a dynamic and quick way to learn something new, understand complex information or simply enjoy interesting content. That being said, there are different ways to approach your video marketing. It doesn’t have to be complex or expansive and you don’t need a full crew & lighting rig to start incorporating video into your digital marketing strategy (phew).

To get you started on your video-making journey, we’re listing the 5 best types of video used by marketers and brands that you should try in 2021… 

1. Product adverts

Product videos give B2C brands the opportunity to showcase a product(s) - and this doesn’t just have to be material items! New software, or special customer offer can also be promoted in this way.

So, what can product adverts lead to? Not only do you get the feature-length clip, but you can have shorter clips & GIFs for your social channels, website and newsletters.

And don’t forget video stills! Shot with a good camera, your video screenshots will work perfectly well as additional product photos to add some colour and dynamism.

Key takeaway: Sweat your assets. If you have a range of products to tell, really show-off every single one - then squeeze the videos you produce to wring out every possible piece of new content.

2. MTV Cribs-style video tours

These don’t just work because we like being curious and seeing how things work behind the scenes, but that’s definitely a big part of it. A video tour of your premises means your audience will feel more engaged with what you do, understand it better and appreciate it more as a consequence. 

These videos are often relatively easy to make even if you don’t have a big budget to spend on them. The tone of voice works best when the text isn’t scripted and if you do it with your phone camera (ideally a more modern phone) that would allow for an authenticity that is sure to connect you with your audience. 

Editing doesn’t have to be a big, time-consuming task either. There are loads of online tutorials and free or inexpensive software available on the internet to help you achieve a simple edit even if you lack any previous experience. Adobe Rush and iMovie are both great apps you can use on your desktop of phone - for advanced editing, Final Cut Pro is one we’d recommend.

We really love this example from the J Skis factory because it shows how ‘real’ they are and feels exciting. Woohoo, skiis!

Key takeaway: Lo-fi, low budget is always forgiven if the content is interesting. People want to see how you work and why you do it - so throw away the script and start filming!

3. Educational and how-to videos

When presenting a new service and product, especially something a little more complex, you want your audience to buy-in; to understand what it is and how to use it. To make sure your product shines and is as appreciated as it should, consider investing in an animated ‘how-to’ video.

These videos allow your viewers to grasp a more technical or challenging concept with ease while feeling like the process was actually fun. Dynamic music, colourful graphics and a well-written voice-over are elements you can use to make it feel fresh.

Check out this short video (below) we made to explain blue self storage’s new QR code system at their Llanishen storage facility →

Key takeaway: No concept is ‘too obvious’ and if you can explain something, you should. If you can’t spend big, get creative - at the very least, you can combine a simple screen capture with a voiceover to get the information across.

4. People interviews

Interviews with real people always perform great on your website and social channels. They increase brand awareness and ‘people buy from people’, as we always say.

When introducing members of the team think about how you want to position your brand. Show off their expertise but at the same time, allow them to reveal their human side. People love to find out about others - what their hobbies are and what they like doing in their spare time. It helps your audience recognise your team as approachable as well.

Even during the pandemic, people videos are possible and easy to make. Companies who have always worked remotely can also produce them with ease. We’ve filmed several interviews and videos over Zoom in 2020 - and you’ll find people are a lot more forgiving of the quality, because the video’s existence in the first place is most important!

Top tip: Teach your interviewee how to record their screen and audio themselves before you start asking the questions. You can then use your video and their audio track (which will doubtless be better quality). Add graphics for your question slides to break up the video a little and consider adding subtitles for social media. 

5. Live presentations

Maybe you’re applying for something and need to produce an information-heavy presentation - or maybe you need an online sales tool for travelling sales managers. Whatever it is, live presentations are very much still ‘live and kicking’, and producing one is not as difficult as you may have thought.

You no longer need to agree on schedules, book conference rooms and worry about presenting something live in from of your audience. While these online presentations can also happen live, they could be pre-recorded as well which makes them even more convenient. 

As 2020 heralds in ‘the year of the livestream’, we’ve seen everything from Joe Wicks’ P.E. lessons to virtual awards ceremonies take place online. And the winning factor? A real person within the presentation.

Key takeaway: Combine video of yourself with a pre-made presentation to deliver any complex information in a focused, streamlined way.

This video shows the technique, but also tells you how to do it →

Worthy mention: Also check out Prezi for their video presenting online software - we’re currently using for clients!

6. Case studies & customer testimonials

‘Word of mouth’, even in the digital age, is extremely powerful. Potential customers can only listen to you bang the drum about how great you are for so long.

So, get your customers to do the talking.

Completed a successful project? Film the final outcome and get your customer involved.

Promoting a little-known service you offer? Contact the customers who already use it and ask for testimonials for why it’s great.

For B2B businesses, having a loyal customer vouch for you is more impactful than you doing it yourself. Plus, if your customer is involved with you through their business, or for professional reasons, you’ll give them free exposure in return - winner, winner.

In this video we did for award winning product design agency, PDR, it’s one of their clients doing the talking - the most powerful form of marketing you can get!

Key takeaway: Turn your customers into your best advocates and show new audiences why people want to work with you.

Summary & wrap-up

We’ll bet that 2020’s events scuppered some of your marketing goals and ideas - videos that could never be made, content production that got left behind.

Rather than let your ideas gather dust in an old Google Doc, figure out how to adapt them so they’ll be relevant for 2021, and get making! Listen to the stats; video’s going to be bigger than ever next year, and with lots of ways to produce it safely, it’s the best time to get stuck in.


After a challenging year for everyone and increased demand for video content on social platforms, dynamic, fun and interesting content is most welcome - so forget your hang-ups or your worries, and fire up those engines.

Unsure how to get going with video for business or your video marketing? Need some help to get going in the right direction or looking for a more company-wide strategy to implementing more regular video, please get in touch.


Certified spiller of wine and lover of horror. 


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