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How Google’s ‘helpful content update’ is going to (possibly) affect your search engine results

How Google’s ‘helpful content update’ is going to (possibly) affect your search engine results

Hey, did you hear about Google's latest update, the "Helpful Content" one? Personally, I'm all for it. It looks like the big G is finally placing importance on genuine, people-focused content, rather than that tired old clickbait and AI-generated drivel that's been cluttering up the web. But what exactly does this update mean for search rankings? Let's take a closer look at what Google has said and how it's going to affect things.

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Lights, camera, science! ‘The science behind’ Genesis Biosciences probiotics

Lights, camera, science! ‘The science behind’ Genesis Biosciences probiotics

We recently visited the Genesis Biosciences Cardiff HQ to film safely with 3 of their Ph.D. scientists, as they talked through the science behind probiotics (the non-yoghurt kind), what makes disinfectants work, and how cleaning can be eco-conscious - all for an upcoming video marketing campaign to showcase ‘the science behind’ their products.

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7 ways to shoot your own (food) videos at home

7 ways to shoot your own (food) videos at home

Perhaps your Instagram is already peppered with your food shots, but it’s time to take it one step further with easy home-made videos. Use a DSLR or a phone, it doesn’t matter - what matters is that you share your food beyond your household, and build your online / social audiences. Watch these 7 great examples of food videos you can make at home, using different methods and filming techniques, and various levels of editing. This is your Masterchef moment… time to shine!

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It’s time to improve your instagram video (and photo) making & taking
News & views, Video, Content marketing, Digital marketing Gareth Aled John News & views, Video, Content marketing, Digital marketing Gareth Aled John

It’s time to improve your instagram video (and photo) making & taking

Instagram, the bad boy of social media doesn’t seem to be slowing down. But the problem with this is, what will happen to your photos and videos? How will you capture an audience? Maybe these five ideas may help spark some ideas in your head and shoot you up in the “getting seen” business on Instagram.

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Top Instagram marketing tips for business wanting to get more from the ‘gram!’

Top Instagram marketing tips for business wanting to get more from the ‘gram!’

Instagram is an ever-evolving platform that keeps on continuing to knock the ball out of the park with the number of daily users it receives year-on-year. Our business and brand Instagram feeds play a crucial role in our marketing strategy - they can be the make or break of a customer's purchase! There are many hidden gems to Instagram marketing, so what’s not a better time than now to find them all

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How we created Sherman Theatre's 2020 production imagery

How we created Sherman Theatre's 2020 production imagery

In 2019 we saw the arrival of a new artistic director at the helm of Sherman Theatre’s creative output, Joe Murphy, and with it, a new season of productions, visiting companies and events at Sherman. As always, we started with sketches and concepts that we worked with Sherman to develop. Upon sign-off, this is where the leg-work begins…. it’s production and shoot time!

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Humanise your brand & connect with your audience - 2020 update

Humanise your brand & connect with your audience - 2020 update

We believe one of the most important things for any brand to be is 'real'. How do you do that? Through content marketing that shows off your greatest asset - your team - and speaks directly to customers. Use our 5 key points to help you humanise your brand & connect with your audience.

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The power of a sneaky peek: the best behind the scenes marketing

The power of a sneaky peek: the best behind the scenes marketing

Behind the scenes marketing - it sounds exclusive, it has a Hollywood air about it and it's a way of working what you've already got, for no extra cost. My name is Heather and before I entered the world of marketing I worked as a journalist. This is because I'm nosey and want to know what's going on behind the curtain.

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10 films with amazing marketing campaigns (2016)

10 films with amazing marketing campaigns (2016)

What's a movie without a marketing campaign? What's a film without an explosive impact on social media? Judging by recent years, it's clear the public wants great marketing; films with amazing marketing campaigns and innovative advertising are faring much better than films that rely on one trailer and little else. As marketeers & movie fans, we've listed our top 10 movie marketing campaigns for your cinematic enjoyment..

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The burningred content marketing strategy commandments

The burningred content marketing strategy commandments

We eat, sleep and breathe content and all things to do with content marketing (honestly, we do!). We decided it was high time to draw on our collective (and individual) experience of producing content of all shapes and sizes and discuss what we feel are the key ingredients required to cook up a sizzling content marketing strategy.

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